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Entering High School? Plan Ahead!

Are you about to enter high school?  There are a few things to think about as you consider your course selection and look ahead.  One of the top factors that admissions people use to gauge a student’s competitiveness for acceptance is the rigor of the courses that the student took in high school.  Receiving all As in level 2 or college prep classes is not considered as competitive as earning As and Bs in level 1, honors, AP or IB courses.  You should aim high and challenge yourself to the best of your ability in high school.  

It’s never too early to map out your high school courses thoughtfully. 

Colleges want students who work hard, who participate and engage in their academics and broader school community.  They especially want students who demonstrate drive and a good work ethic.  So, when you’re debating between that easier class and one that may challenge you, think about how you want to position yourself for your future.  It may seem far off now, but the years will fly by, and you’ll be considering your options for after high school sooner than you think.  Be sure you plan well.