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College Admissions Offices Spot-Checking Applications

We’ve all heard the adage, “Honesty is the best policy.” However, in the competitive landscape of college admissions, some students may feel pressure to embellish their resumes or the activities sections of their applications in an attempt to gain acceptance to their top-choice colleges.  Beware!  In response to Varsity Blues, some colleges have started to spot-check applications, verifying that students’ activities and involvement in activities are accurate.  When you submit an application, you affirm that the information you provide to the colleges is “your own work, factually true and honestly presented.”  This quote is taken directly from the Common Application, but the other application platforms, Coalition Application, and college-specific applications have similar statements that you must agree to before submitting your application.  

Colleges are cracking down, indicating that they will likely revoke offers of admission to students who are found in violation of this affirmation.  So, avoid the temptation to present yourself as captain if you were a co-captain or list a club if you have never attended a meeting.  Being your authentic self is essential.  That way, when your acceptance letters arrive, you can rest assured that your achievements were earned not fabricated.