Virtual Learning

You Can Combat Zoom Fatigue! Here's How

Zoom fatigue is real. We are hearing it from students and even feeling it ourselves! Virtual meetings won’t be going away anytime soon. However, there are subtle things you can do to not only get through the string of meetings but also get more out of each one.

Focus On One Thing at a Time

Is it time for science class? Start a new window and only pull up the tabs you will need for science. When the live class is happening, minimize all the other unnecessary windows. Having five windows open and 15 tabs up can give the false sense that you have so much to do. The reality is in that moment, you can just focus on that class period and block out the other noise.

Turn off your phone while you’re in class as well. It can be tempting to quickly look at Snapchat or TikTok during a lecture. Those posts will still be there after class though. By keeping your phone off, your brain won’t have to juggle as many distractions and you can stay locked in during class.

Take Breaks

We know that just about everything you need to get done is on a computer. When you can though, close the laptop and put away the phone—even if it’s just for 10 minutes. Don’t stay on the computer just to stare at a screen. Take a walk around your neighborhood and leave your phone at home. Talk to someone in your family. Go for a short drive. Change your scenery a bit. Your mind will feel more refreshed when you tune out of the virtual world and tune into the physical world.

Have an Agenda

There is nothing worse than having a long, awkward pause in a virtual meeting. Make sure the person in charge of the meeting (maybe it’s you) has an agenda going in. They should have a good read on when a discussion is coming to a close and should easily transition from one topic to the next. The participants will appreciate the structure and reduced screen time.

Tips for Virtual Learning Success

“It’s just for a couple of weeks!” So we thought last spring with the shift to online learning. Students, families, teachers, and districts did their best, thinking that it was only temporary. Now we know, virtual learning, in some form or another is here to stay.

Now, it’s back to school time and most of our students are starting the year with some form of a hybrid model. And they know that they may be fully online again sometime soon.

Like it or not, virtual learning is here to stay. So, here are some tips to start the school year on top of your virtual learning game:

  • Set a daily schedule. Allocate study time, breaks, and meals. Move around and get outdoors when possible.

  • Put social media breaks into your day. But keep your phone out of your study space.

  • Carve out a study space that is quiet and as distraction free as possible.

  • Practice structured procrastination. Get the easy, quick tasks out of the way before you tackle the harder items on your list.

  • Utilize technology. Online calendars, time trackers, and social media blockers are a godsend for some!

  • Take notes. Yes, you may be able to go back to a recorded lecture, but the act of taking notes can help you build a stronger connection with the source text and retain and mold the idea much better.

  • Make it interactive. Turn on your camera when in an asynchronous class. Form an online study group.

  • Ask for help. Many teachers say that in the online format, it’s harder to determine if a student is confused. Don’t be afraid to speak up.

  • Take care of yourself. Virtual learning is different… and can be stressful. If you are struggling, say so. And don’t feel like you have to go it alone. There are lots of us here to support you.
