Ask the Consultant

Q: I’m finally to the point where I feel like my essay is done.  Should I show it to a third party for comment?

A: Over the years we have seen students swing from confident to questioning after they have shared their college essay with others for comment.  Your aunt who is a copy writer or the next-door neighbor who is an English teacher is truly trying to be helpful, but the very act of giving your essay to someone else for comment means that they feel a duty to critique the piece.  Often, too many cooks in the kitchen spoil the broth.  The most important element in your essay is authenticity, and we have found that when too many people try to insert their ideas, the personality of the author tends to get lost.  That doesn’t mean that you have nailed it on the first draft or you shouldn’t scrub it for grammar mistakes.  It takes many drafts to get a college essay to the point of being brag worthy.  However, when it gets there, own it -- be proud of it and move forward with confidence.

